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Justice is card number eleven and is often associated with spiritual awakening. It is said to offer insight and creativity.

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“What you think is fair, may not be fair to another. Remind yourself to look at all sides of an issue before bringing down a judgement, or making a decision based on emotions.”

A woman sits in her chair. Her eyes are white which signifies that she is blind. A wreathe encircles her head. At her feet is an owl. In her right hand is a sword and in her left is a scale. A bust of a man with wings on his head extends up from her chair.

The symbolism of this card is clear. Justice is blind. The owl represents wisdom. The sword signifies swift action (or instant karma). The scales of justice she holds in her hand is the balancing of right and wrong, or truth vs. lies. The bust symbolizes that decisions are influenced by those who have gone before us.

Justice normally means decisions. Your entire life is about decisions! What time should I get up? Will I have coffee or tea this morning? Should I exercise before I go to work? Every step of the way is a decision to make. Do you think that by drawing this card today, it means, that a decision should be made? Maybe.

Justice should be blind. That would mean, particularly today, that when making a decision, pay attention to all of the facts. Do you feel judged? Are you judging someone else?

What you think is fair, may not be fair to another. Remind yourself to look at all sides of an issue before bringing down a judgement, or making a decision based on emotions. Today could mean that an outcome will be determined from the decisions you have made. Future actions can be changed by the lessons learned in the present.

It could be as simple as going to Starbucks for coffee or making tea at home this morning. That decision could change the course of your day.

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