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Judgement is card number twenty in the deck. The number twenty is considered to be a universal number. It represents the energy of the cosmos and the planets.

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“It is self-evaluation day. You are who you are and not the activities that fill up your days. Ask yourself what shift you have to make within yourself that will put you on the right path.”

This card shows clouds covering the earth. Above is an angel on the bright side of the clouds. Below the clouds are three individuals reaching up to the clouds above, seemingly coming from their graves. On the bottom corners of the card are fans of flowers with tiny skulls in the centers of the blooms.

This is a grim scene. Men and woman rising from their graves with arms outstretched towards the heavens. Tiny little skulls nestled in flowers waiting their turn. An angel above them receiving their messages. The earth is covered by the dark clouds and the angel is above the clouds in the light. The symbolism of the card is clear. They are all waiting to be judged.

You can judge and you can be judged. What is today telling you? Most often we don’t consider that we are judging ourselves. When the Judgement card comes up, then it is a good time to reflect and evaluate ourselves and our actions. This card comes at a time when you may need to grow and free yourself from old attitudes.

It is self-evaluation day. Look at where you have come from. Become more aware of who you are and what your goals should be. You are who you are and not the activities that fill up your days. Wake up! Is this really what you want to do today? Ask yourself what shift you have to make within yourself that will put you on the right path.

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