Tarot Magic
the fool
The Fool is Zero and the first card of the deck. The number “0” is considered to be the number of infinite potential.
the magician
The Magician is card number one in the deck and is associated with confidence, power, and action.
the high priestess
The High Priestess is card number two which is influenced by the Moon (tides/emotions). Twos are the vibration and energy of balance, peace, sensitivity, intuition, and emotions.
the empress
The Empress is card number three. Words associated with the number three are optimism, abundance of energy, creative potential, fertility, or at its worst lack of focus.
the emperor
The Emperor is card number four which is a no-nonsense number with a heads-down approach to life and work. The four points to solid, stable, and confident individuals.
the hierophant
The Hierophant is card number five in the deck. The number five symbolizes curiosity, freedom, change and the five senses of humanity.
the lovers
The Lovers card is number six in the deck. The number six represents the heart. Unconditional love and the ability to support, nurture, and heal.
the chariot
The Chariot is card number seven in the deck and represents a quest for knowledge, but also symbolizes the need to find depth and spiritual connection.
Strength is card number eight in the deck. The number eight is a lucky number. It forms the sign of infinity. An eight resonates with inner-strength and inner wisdom.
the hermit
The Hermit is card number nine. The number nine can represent completion. It can also mean that it is time to clear your mind and let go of those unneeded items.
wheel of fortune
The Wheel of fortune is number ten in the deck. Ten is generally meant to signify an ending, followed by a new beginning.
Justice is card number eleven and is often associated with spiritual awakening. It is said to offer insight and creativity.
the hanged man
The Hanged Man is number twelve in the deck. One represents new beginnings. Two stands for duality (two sides of every coin).
The Death card is number thirteen in the deck. The thirteen symbolizes represents upheaval and karmic energy.
Temperance is the fourteenth card in the deck and encourages the expressing of personal freedom, independence, and self-determination.
the devil
The Devil is number fifteen in the deck. Fifteen indicates the fusing of spirit and matter.
the tower
The Tower is the number sixteen in the deck and symbolizes wholeness and completion. It can also denote the trials and defeats you may experience throughout your life.
the star
The Star is card number seventeen in the deck. The number seventeen represents good fortune and victory as well as being associated with success in business and the material aspect of life.
the moon
The Moon is card number eighteen in the deck. The core meaning of number eighteen is independence and creating something that lasts.
the sun
The Sun is number nineteen in the deck. The number nineteen is linked to self-determination.
Judgement is card number twenty in the deck. The number twenty is considered to be a universal number. It represents the energy of the cosmos and the planets.
the world
The World is number twenty-one in the deck. The number twenty-one refers to spiritual fulfillment and realization of goals or dreams.