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Let's talk about intuition. Intuition is inherent in all of us. It is our inner wisdom. EVERYONE has the ability to tap into this inner wisdom. The problem is that most people do not trust themselves to do so. Trust is a problem with a lot of us. Trusting is hard to do, especially if we have trusted someone else and the trust was betrayed. Trusting ourselves and trusting someone else is not one in the same but it can get complicated. So let's start with ourselves.


Research has show that using intuition helps us make better decisions and gives us more confidence in them. It's a powerful, scientifically backed skill. Think about all the decisions we make in our daily routine. Most often we are making decisions based on experience. But sometimes we enter into new territory. Or maybe we just go along day after day repeating ourselves over and over. I listened to a Podcast about some of the workers who were laid off because of CoVid. During the time they were not working, they were able to relax (get off that perpetual thread mill so to speak) and they started to think about what they really wanted. In case after case, decisions were made to not go back to that 80 hour a week job making minimum wage. Because of the pandemic, these workers were forced into a different mind-frame. So how can we force ourselves into a different mind-frame? We can Meditate...Listen...Believe.




The reason I am going on and on about intuition is that is my number one way to get more out of tarot cards or tarot readings. By using the inner voice when working with the cards allows opens up our ability to really tap into the power of the cards and what they have to tell us. 

When a card is chosen, the first thing is react to the card itself. Do you like or mistrust the card. Is the card speaking to you in a positive or even negative way. Do you like the colors, artwork or the illustration on the card? All of these observations will go a long way to enhance a reading. I talk about the days of the week. Some days just feel better than others. Mondays are the beginning of the week and sometimes a tough day to get through, yet as the week progresses you feel lighter. With that in mind, avoid card reading on Mondays. Or choose a card based on your mood (whether dark or light). Then choose your question based on your mood, like, "What do I need to make Mondays lighter for me?". Then sit back and the magic will happen.


Meditate on it

Find a place to sit comfortably. follow your breath by counting 1 on the inhale and 2 on the exhale. When you have taken a few breaths and are quiet, identify an event or situation that you'd like more insight about. Focus on the event intently for a few minutes. Ask for a direct intuitive experience about it in the near future. 

Let it go....


Listen for messages

Imagine that your eyes, ears, hands, skin, emotions, and intellect could stretch out into the invisible world and capture sensations, information, inspiration, knowledge, and wisdom like  cable or a cell phone captures invisible waves. Let your self walk through your day sensitive to other dimensions.



Know that you have all of the answers inside of you already. That gut instinct or sensation you get is real. The easiest thing to do, is when you get these messages from your inner voice, pay attention to them. Ask yourself, what is this feeling I am getting? Do I need to take a new perspective on this issue? The first step is recognizing the feeling that you are getting. The second step is actually believing.

A personal example...

My daughter was graduating from college and the entire family was coming to celebrate. My younger sister had been diagnosed with cancer several months before, but she was determined to attend the graduation celebration. The Friday before the graduation, my sisters' doctor told her that she only had about six months to live. I was focused on my daughters happiness that weekend and tried not to think about my little sister. But on Sunday, after everyone had gone home, I had a gut feeling that I needed to drive up to the Bay Area and see her. I called my older sister and told her I was going. She asked why and I told her it was based on a feeling. I dropped everything. When my older sister realized I was going, she believed me and prepared to come up the following day. I was able to spend all day Monday with her. My older sister arrived on Tuesday, one hour before our little sister died. 


I followed my "gut". And was able to be with her the last day of her life. That is when I became a true believer in intuition.



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