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I lived in Anaheim when I was a little kid. Disneyland was fairly new and I looked forward to going there once a year with my family. As I got older, I took pride in being from Anaheim and I especially loved reading anything I could about Walt Disney.


Walt Disney was amazing. I read somewhere that he had so many ideas that even after he was gone, the ideas would take years to be realized.


Using your imagination for everyday living is an artform. In order to make your dreams come true, your dreams need to be imagined.


Just like your intuition, you need to exercise your imagination to make it start working for you. By using your imagination to imagine a better you takes time and practice.


I have listed a couple of exercises below where you can start to let your imagination run wild...give it a go!

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Using your imagination

Using your imagination takes practice. You also need thick skin. I am convinced that when you can imagine a different world, then that is the first step in creating that new world. Have fun with these two exercises!


Exercise #1 - manifesting:

  1. Close your eyes

  2. Take 2 cleansing breaths

  3. Focus on an object

  4. Believe that you will see that object during your day, week, etc.

  5. Now let it go and when you actually see the object during your travels, consider it a success!

Note: It is best to start with little things, for instance, try imagining that you will see a blue Volkswagen when you are out doing errands. ​


Exercise #2 - imagining wealth:

This exercise is called the prosperity game and I first read it in a book called "Ask and it is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks.  It was so popular that it is now an APP that you can download, but this is the simple version....

  1. Create a journal and use it for an imaginary checking account. Or create an excel sheet on your computer. Keep it simple. One column for deposits, one column for expenditures.

  2. On your first day, deposit $1,000.00. Then spend it. List everything that you bought.

  3. On the second day deposit $2,000.00, then spend it.

  4. On the third day deposit $3,000.00, then spend it. And so on an so on.

  5. Keep at it for no less than 30 days but it is more effective if you keep going for as long as you can. On your 30th day you should be depositing $30,000.00. Which brings the total deposits to $465,000.00. On the last day of the year your deposit would be $365,000.00 and it would bring the total of your deposits to $66,795,000.00.

You should find that it will get harder and harder to spend the money. I started by paying off all of my bills, then my mortgage, then I bought everything I thought I ever wanted. I then started giving the money to charity!!

This exercise helps you stretch your imagination by physically forcing you to "imagine" wealth.

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