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High Days and Holidays

Everyone feels differently every day. So many factors play into our moods: How we slept; What's on our plate for today: If we feel sore or achy. Dozens of things can effect our disposition. So when looking at a Tarot reading, it is best to identify how we are feeling today - at the time of the reading. The days of the week and the moon cycles will give us more insight into what the cards have to tell us. 

How the days of the week make you feel...

I love color!! And have looked far and wide for meanings and definitions. There are some common themes with the color variations, but the truest meaning of a color is how that color makes YOU feel. So with that in mind, how do the days of the week make you feel? 


Below I have listed the days of the week and assigned colors to them. Each day of the week, for me, feels a little difference. I have framed the colors to adhere to a workweek. However if you are retired or not working, it still gives you a palette to work with.

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  • Monday -  the beginning of the traditional work week. Green is the color of growth. I associate the color green to fresh new beginnings. Sometimes Mondays can be hard because just because it is the beginning of the week, but it is also a good day to begin again. To choose how you are going to design (emotionally) the week ahead for yourself.

  • Tuesday - the second day of the traditional work week. I have used a lighter shade of green here because it symbolizes, to me, a beginning with a bit of progress. You have weathered the first day of the week and are now in your routine. Grounded and growing, healing, hope.

  • Wednesday - hump day! Half way through the week. This beautiful sky blue stands for clarity. It is also a calming color. This allows one to see things clearly as they truly are.

  • Thursday - seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! Yellow, the color of the sun shines bright on our lives and lends joy to the day.

  • Friday - the end of the traditional work week. Red is the color of passion. It's Friday and no matter what the workload, the day is full of excitement and anticipation for the weekend to come!

  • Saturday - the first day of the weekend. Dark blue is associated with depth, expertise and stability. This to me is where your power kicks in and you are free to do as you please according to your own schedule.

  • Sunday - the traditional end of the week. The day of rest. Purple reflects ones original essence. Other words associated with purple are power, peace, devotion, mystery and magic. So however you celebrate your Sunday, the color purple will give you the creativity and wisdom to manage your time well.

Using your days wisely...

For most of us, the days go by week after week and there are very few changes to our routines. Recognizing special days, I believe, keeps us fresh and growing. A simple example would be to do something special weekly, like picking wild flowers and displaying them every Tuesday. Or meeting friends for dinner every other Thursday. Anything and everything to break up your week. In the United States there is a huge list of holidays that are observed, if not Federally, than by the individual States. I think everyone should create their own Holiday! It could be just of your making, and special only to you.


Holy days are connected to the moon and the sun. The moon and the sun are connected to the earth in profound ways.  The earth rotates around the sun and the moon helps to stabilize the earth (corrects the earth from wobbling). The moon's gravitational pull generates something called the tidal force. The tidal force causes Earth—and its water—to bulge out on the side closest to the moon and the side farthest from the moon. When you're in one of the bulges, you experience a high tide.

With that said, the human heart and brain is composed of 73% water. (Our bodies are 60% water over all with our bones containing the least amount of water). Many feel the moon has an influent on us, and we too experience high and low tides. 


It is fun, and to many, it is sacred, to recognize the Sun and the Moon cycles.

  • Spring Equinox - Middle of March around the 20th

  • Summer Solstice - The longest day of the year - June 21st

  • Fall Equinox - Around September 23rd or 24th

  • Winter Solstice - Shortest day of the year - December 21st


The moon waxes (gets larger) or wanes (gets smaller). Some think that when

you want to banish something from your life, then do so when the moon

is waning. When you invite abundance into your life, then use a day that

the moon is waxing. By using the Sun and the Moon with Tarot card readings

you can increase the impact of your reading. Say the cards are telling you to

let something go, if the moon is waning, then perfect! You have your 

confirmation. If the cards are saying bring something or someone into your 

life (and the moon is waning) then this might be referring to a future




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