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the two of cups

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Twos represent balance, duality, doubling strength or splitting power.

“The Two of Cups is about partnership, harmony, attraction, romance, relationships, and connection. In short it is about when two becomes one.”

Cups are associated with the element of WATER. The suit of Cups is how we relate to the world, looking through the lens of our own perception.

This card shows a lions’ head centered between two cups. One cup is light, one is dark. Each cup is equally filled. Behind the lion is the symbol of commerce and negotiation, the Caduceus.

The colors of the cups reflect the differences between two people. The lion reminds us to have the courage to treat others with respect and to honor the unique points of view we come from. The Caduceus is an ancient symbol – it was the staff carried by Hermes (Greek) or Mercury (Roman mythology). Mercury was the messenger of the Gods, and he always had this staff in his left hand.

The focus of the Two of Cups is on relationships, mutual affinity (a spontaneous or natural liking or sympathy for someone or something), and union. This card represents all that is clear and true in romantic, familial, and business partnerships.

The Two of Cups is about partnership, harmony, attraction, romance, relationships, and connection. In short it is about when two becomes one. As the number two represents balance and duality then our Two of Cups indicates a strong connection between two people. It could be your business partner or a love interest. Whichever it is, this card is a celebration of that union. The card suggests balance within the union, therefore, keep in mind that however close we are to someone, we are still separate. We can only create strong unions by respecting the other and by being equal partners in the relationship.

Romance is in the air today. The sun could be shining, or the rain could be pouring down, but you can feel harmony in your life right now. To celebrate the unions in your life, do something special. It could be a card, a box of chocolates, or a complement.

Action: Choose someone today that you would like to recognize. It does not have to be elaborate; it could be as small as a phone call or sending someone an email to thank them. Write that persons’ name down and don’t go to sleep until you have fulfilled the goal of recognition.

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