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the ten of cups

Two of Cups_edited.jpg

Tens represent endings and beginnings, new destinations, fulfillment.

“There are all sorts of families or tribes. Who is in your tribe? The tribe we grew up with,

or the tribe we have created for ourselves? By recognizing the people and the community around us, we have created a true sense of family.”

Cups are associated with the element of WATER. The suit of Cups is how we relate to the world, looking through the lens of our own perception (emotions).

The card shows a couple staring down at a newborn baby. The couple is snuggled together under a tree with the woman holding the baby. Both the man and the woman are gazing down at the infant with love and affection for this beautiful gift of love. There is a real sense of joy for both of them. This couple is truly happy. The tree behind them shows the branches disappearing into the ten cups in the suit. The tree is sprouting leaves. There is a rainbow behind them in the distance and a river flows, winding through the hills on the horizon.

The couple is blissfully lying under the tree without a care in the world. They are a true representation of family. The infant they are holding is a symbol of birth, whether it is a true birth of a child, or the birth of a new idea. The baby also speaks of the inner child in all of us. The strong and beautiful tree behind them offers shade and comfort. The ten cups forming a canopy represents spring and new growth. The rainbow in the distance indicates the end of hard times and sorrows, and a new happy life is here.

The Ten of Cups says, “Having it ALL”. Success is in reach. We are on the right track, and it is up to us to keep at it. Take notice to nurture the infant representing our inner child, for that child holds the keys of our success. This is the general meaning of the card, yet, it has been described with the words: abundance, fulfillment, happiness, success, joy, peace, harmony. What does that mean to us today? Let’s choose the most obvious reference, family.

There are all sorts of families or tribes. Who is in your tribe? The tribe we grew up with, or the tribe we have created for ourselves? By recognizing the people and the community around us, we are creating a true sense of family. In that way we can use all of the words related to the Ten of Cups (abundance, fulfillment, happiness, success, joy, peace, harmony).

Today, take note of your tribe. Enjoy the success of your true community and feel the peace and harmony that comes from that feeling.

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