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the seven of cups

Two of Cups_edited.jpg

Sevens represent dreams, illusions, magic.

“Time to wake up and get your head out of the clouds.

Your imagination is an amazing thing. But if you keep your imagination relegated to daydreams and wishful thinking, then those big ideas don’t go anywhere.”

Cups are associated with the element of WATER. The suit of Cups is how we relate to the world, looking through the lens of our own perception (emotions).

The card shows an ominous draped figure standing and looking down on a dangerous reptile with large eyes and sharp teeth. The figure has a mask in one hand covering their face. A skull is in the right hand and is being lifted up (Hamlet style). The cups are positioned around the reptile much like an obstacle course. On the wrist of the arm holding the mask are two bracelets. There is a castle hidden in the clouds off in the distance behind.

The mask is part of the illusion, by hiding behind a mask it is easier to pretend. Our figure is looking down at danger, trouble, or a hard road ahead. The cups all around the reptile represent obstacles. The skull in the uplifted hand is a symbol of the duality of life and death. Perhaps death to our illusions? The castle in the background reminds us that home and comfort are not far away, and we can easily return to our roots. Yet with the clouds circling the castle, it could be that our heads are in the clouds, and we are taken to wishful thinking and fantasy. The bracelets are a symbol of reality.

This card has been interpreted in a couple of difference ways. First, too many choices (which cup do I choose?). Second, living under illusions.

When the Seven of Cups is drawn, it is time to take off the mask. It is fun to check yourself out for a while and live with daydreams. Don’t get me wrong, it is always a great thing to have dreams and wishes. But it is even better to take action in making those dreams come true. If you feel that there are too many choices facing you, you should evaluate which options work better.

Time to wake up and get your head out of the clouds. You know what is realistic for you. Your imagination is an amazing thing. But if you keep your imagination relegated to daydreams and wishful thinking, then those big ideas don’t go anywhere. Sure, there are obstacles, but sometimes our emotions blow those obstacles up and out of proportion. Look closely at your path.

Today is your day. Set aside your fantasies for a time to see straight. It is time to take off the mask.

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