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the queen of cups

Two of Cups_edited.jpg

The Queen represents the feminine side of the suits’ energy.

“Today is the day where logic should be tossed out the window. Show compassion.

The Queen of Cups could be the answer to your problems when a logical approach is not working. So, look into your heart and soften up.”

Cups are associated with the element of WATER. The suit of Cups is how we relate to the world, looking through the lens of our own perception (emotions).

The card shows a beautiful Queen with flowing hair and a golden crown on her head. She holds a cup in both of her hands. She sits under an arch of golden feathers above a stream of fishes swimming. Below her are shells, seahorses, and a bowl of water. The Queens pink and white dress is full of ruffles and ribbons.

The numerous references to water on this card are pointing to balancing emotions. This beautiful Queen is clearly feminine as indicated by her attire.

The Queen of Cups indicates that emotional understanding has a high priority right now. She has the ability to understand how others feel and can empathize with others during emotional or difficult times. She understands her subjects and is kind and compassionate with them. She uses her intuition with both herself and her subjects.

Drawing the Queen of Cups is like looking at the world as in a mirror. Like-minded people are drawn to you because of your compassion towards others and the respect and kindness you show. It could be that you are drawn to someone else of this nature.

However, the Queen may be telling you that you should take care of your own emotional health before trying to help others. Self-love creates compassion.

The Queen of Cups normally thinks with her heart, instead of her mind. She can lack rationality and common sense, but she can also be intuitive, dreamy, and almost psychic at times.

Today is the day where logic should be tossed out the window. Show compassion. The Queen of Cups could be the answer to your problems when a logical approach is not working. So, look into your heart and soften up.

Having a problem nailing down what this reading is pointing to? Look at the word of the day for inspiration.

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