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the page of cups

Two of Cups_edited.jpg

Pages represent youthful vitality and enthusiasm.

“Something new, creative, and loving is to be expected today. Take the lens that the Cups are asking you to look through and enjoy what you see. Set aside negative emotions and dance. Dance like there is no one watching.”

Cups are associated with the element of WATER. The suit of Cups is how we relate to the world, looking through the lens of our own perception (emotions).

The card shows our Page holding a cup outstretched in her hand. The cup is full. A fish is poking it’s head out of the cup! The Page is on a rocky bluff overlooking the ocean. The waves are crashing against the walls of the cliffs, but beyond all is still. Clouds fill the sky.

Our Page is focused on the fish that has appeared from nowhere in the cup! This is unexpected! The card seems to say, be open to new ideas, especially ones that stem from intuitive inspiration. This inspiration should be embraced, even when it is unexpected.

All of the Page cards have youthful enthusiasm propelling them. As the suit of Cups are associated with our emotions and how we see the world, then this card is very well telling us that adventure is at hand. Be it a journey, or a new love affair the time is right for you to embrace this happiness the card presents and go forth.

Be happy today! Something new, creative, and loving is to be expected. Take the lens that the Cups are asking you to look through and enjoy what you see. Set aside negative emotions and dance. Dance like there is no one watching.

Action: Look for happiness. It can be tough to acknowledge joy, especially if we are down in the dumps, but it is there. Even if it is just the feeling of sunshine on your face. Try to emulate the Page’s enthusiasm as you go through the day.

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