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the knight of cups

Two of Cups_edited.jpg

The Knight represents the extreme behaviors of this suits’ energy. The Knight will push the boundaries of his suit he represents whenever he can.

“Emotions could be getting the best of you right now.

You might think your intentions are well-meaning, but others do not. You also may be taking things too personally. It could also mean that you need a dose of the Knight’s emotions to put you on a level playing field with others.”

Cups are associated with the element of WATER. The suit of Cups is how we relate to the world, looking through the lens of our own perception (emotions).

The card shows our Knight looking in the distance with his side facing us. In his hand is a gold cup. On his shoulder is an emblem of a white horse and on his breastplate are fish. His helmet is open so he can take in the scenery around him. In the background is a winding river and low hills.

Our Knight is not going to battle. With his helmet up and the cup in his hand he is taking in the landscape before him and not in a hurry to move forward. It is midday, as the cup casks a shadow on the hand holding the cup. This symbolizes a pause in his daily routine.

Knights always represents the extreme energy of the suit. In this case the suit of Cups is about looking at the world through the lens of our own perceptions (emotions). So as this knight gazes out over the landscape, right in the middle of the day, what is he thinking? The Knight of Cups is in touch with his feminine side, much more than the other knights in the deck. When faced with decisions he is always going to listen to his heart first, then use logic second if at all.

When the Knight of Cups appears it is time to examine what is going on with you emotionally right now. Are you being too sensitive? Do you think someone else is being too sensitive? The Knight is asking you to take a look and see how your emotions are affecting the relationships in your life.

Emotions could be getting the best of you right now. You might think your intentions are well-meaning, but others do not. You also may be taking things too personally. It could also mean that you need a dose of the Knight’s emotions to put you on a level playing field with others.

Today, look at your inner circle. How are your emotions affecting yourself or others? No action steps today, just be aware.

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