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the king of cups

Two of Cups_edited.jpg

Kings represent the masculine power of this suits’ energy.

“Clearly the card is telling you to button up your emotions.

Take that thought through your day. You don’t always know where someone

else is coming from, so take the high road today.”

Cups are associated with the element of WATER. The suit of Cups is how we relate to the world, looking through the lens of our own perception (emotions).

The card shows a handsome bearded king sitting on his throne, a gold crown on his head. He has a staff in his right hand and a cup in his other. He wears a necklace with a fish hanging from it. He sits under an arch of golden feathers above a stream of fishes swimming. In the background waves are breaking under a cloudy sky.

It is clear that this king rules the element of water. The ocean ebbs and flows, yet this steadfast King stays calm and collected. He rules his kingdom with wisdom and generosity of spirit. In his hand is his cup. The cup could be filled with wine (for celebration) or water (for sustenance). He understands that his kingdom is filled with a multitude of different types of people going through different situations. He rules with stability and support for all.

Having the King of Cups come up in a reading indicates that the most influential Cup—Love card is revealing itself to you. You have the ability to restrain your emotions and be fully in charge of your feelings and impulses. This card represents a balance between the intellect and emotions.

Today it is important for you to have extreme understanding on what is going on around you. You must be the ruler of your emotions. Don’t try to suppress them, but don’t let them get in the way either. Especially when making decisions. Use your intellect and balance the choices you make. Call upon your sense of fairness.

Clearly the card is telling you to button up your emotions. Take that thought through your day. You don’t always know where someone else is coming from, so take the high road today.

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