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the four of cups

Two of Cups_edited.jpg

Fours represent limitations, doubts, holding back.

“The Four of Cups commands you to re-evaluate your situation.

You are in a rut and your attitude of apathy (lack of interest and enthusiasm) has

left you unable to move forward. The answers are right in front of you!”

Cups are associated with the element of WATER. The suit of Cups is how we relate to the world, looking through the lens of our own perception.

The card shows a young man sitting alone, crossed legged, under a tree with his eyes closed. The tree looks old and gnarled. The roots of the tree are growing up through the surface of the earth, and it is on these roots the young man sits. The grass is green and there are rolling hills in the background. There is one cup with wings hovering right in front of him in thin air. The other three cups are spread out on the grass.

This young man is in deep contemplation. He has positioned himself away from others and is in solitude. With his eyes closed and his legs crossed, he may be meditating. He does not notice the cup hovering in front of him, and it could be that he is putting his emotions aside for a while. The roots of the tree indicate stability. The tree itself symbolizes ancient wisdom.

This young man has isolated himself to search for answers on his own. What he doesn’t realize is that there is help and he is choosing not to notice. Literally, he cannot see what is right in front of him. Fours represent limitations and doubt. He may be feeling discouraged or even unmotivated. It is hard to move forward.

The Four of Cups commands you to re-evaluate your situation. You are in a rut and your attitude of apathy (lack of interest and enthusiasm) has left you unable to move forward. The answers are right in front of you!

Snap out of it! Let go of your mental stubbornness and seek a new approach. Remember that cups indicate that we see the world through the lens of our own perception or emotions. If we are “emotion-less” then we need help. Reach out.

Action: Take a pair of your glasses, could be sunglasses, and clean them. Once they are clean, put them on and say, I can see clearly now.

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