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the five of cups

Two of Cups_edited.jpg

Fives represent versatility, communication, opening up.

“Stop labeling things as good or bad. It is all just stuff that happens to us as we make it along our path. Embrace the change and go with the flow!”

Cups are associated with the element of WATER. The suit of Cups is how we relate to the world, looking through the lens of our own perception.

The card shows a young man kneeling on the ground with his head buried in his arms. He is on the shore, next to a winding river. In front of him lay three empty cups on their sides and scattered. Behind him are two cups in the upright position. There is a castle on a hill in the background.

This boy / young man looks like he might be crying, certainly upset. He cradles his head in his hands, not able to face the loss or emotional upset that he is feeling. These are strong emotions! The scattered cups in front of him indicate loss. The two cards in the back indicate hope. The river that runs between himself and the castle in the background may mean his emotions have separated him from home.

When pulling this card, you could see how easy it would be to think loss, disappointment, strong emotions. The emotional aspects of this card are clear. Something has brought on this disappointment. Maybe losing a relationship, a loved one, a job, a promotion? It could be all manner of things. We relate to our world through our emotions, but now it is time to examine this disappointment or loss through a different approach.

As the cups lying on the ground in front of him are his main focus, he fails to see the two cups that are upright behind him. Many times, we focus on the negative. But there usually is a silver lining or a positive side of things.

What is happening today? Are you disappointed about something? Are you looking at things “glass half full? Or glass half empty?” Sometimes emotions get in the way of us seeing things clearly. So now is the time to balance our emotions and look at the situation from both sides: front and back.

Do not fear the loss of something, it is usually replaced by something else. Stop labeling things as good or bad. It is all just stuff that happens to us as we make it along our path. Embrace the change and go with the flow!

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