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the eight of cups

Two of Cups_edited.jpg

Eights represent overcoming obstacles, easing restrictions.

“The Eight of Cups is telling us to withdraw and examine what we are doing.

How much more are we going to sacrifice? This card suggests that it is time for a change. Perhaps it is time to walk away from something.”

Cups are associated with the element of WATER. The suit of Cups is how we relate to the world, looking through the lens of our own perception (emotions).

The card shows an older figure sitting on a rock with his/her back facing us. In his/her hand is a staff. The figure is gazing at the landscape. Directly ahead is a steep, jagged mountain with a road carved along the side. The moon is full and illuminating down on the side of another mountain range. Although the moon is bright, there are dark clouds rising up from below. The eight cups are lined along the bottom of the card.

The symbolism in this card is clear. The steep, jagged cliff suggests a difficult path ahead. By the looks of things there is still a long way to go, and our figure is resting, perhaps weighing options. Even though the moon is full and shining bright the dark clouds are rising threatening to block out the light.

Is it too late to choose a different path? Who put you on this path anyway? Something is not quite right. As cups are about emotions and how we look at the world through the specter of our emotions, then the eight may indicate a challenging time ahead or a time to change direction. But cups indicate balance as well. It may be time to temper our emotions with logic to balance our perspective so we can clearly decide which way to go.

The moon comes with a sense of belonging, security, and safety. Yet it might mean that the belonging, security, and safety is an illusion in your life, and it is time to make a change in the direction you are going.

The Eight of Cups is telling us to withdraw and examine what we are doing. How much more are we going to sacrifice? This card suggests that it is time for a change. Perhaps it is time to walk away from something.

If we look at today only, then what have we been spending time on? How much longer are we going to head in this direction? With the new GPS navigation system getting lost is not normal, but in the old days you had to pull over and get directions from the local gas station. So, pull over. Get past the emotional attachment you have over something and change directions if you have to.

If you are having a hard time figuring out what area of your life needs rerouting, then look at todays’ word. It may point you in the right direction.

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