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the ace of cups

Two of Cups_edited.jpg

Aces represent beginnings, new opportunities, and vitality.

“Get rid of some of that emotional baggage you are carrying around. Something new and wonderful may be in store for you today if you are open and emotionally available.”

Cups are associated with the element of WATER. The suit of Cups is how we relate to the world, looking through the lens of our own perception.

The card shows a hand holding up a grand cup lined with gold. There are five streams of pure sparkling water flowing out and down the sides. An eagle watches over the cup while expanding its wings wide. Below are calm waters. On the bottom corners of the card are two beautiful flowers.

This is the Cup Suits’ card of new beginnings. The cup being held out is a sign of offering. The five (streams) symbolize opening up. The sparkling water flowing freely from the cup would indicate pure and pristine emotions. The eagle’s wings spreading wide stand for freedom. The flowers on the bottom of the card indicates a new romance, a new perspective, or passion about someone or something. The water is a symbol of balance. This cup is literally running over with the emotional power of love, joy, and happiness.

The Ace of Cups is asking you to look at the aspects of your life where love might be either lacking or working for you. Are you in touch with your own feelings? Maybe it is time to open yourself up to the abundance of opportunities presented to most of us (yet somehow often missed).

Today is a good day to start fresh. Get rid of some of that emotional baggage you are carrying around. Something new and wonderful may be in store for you today if you are open and emotionally available. It really is time to spread your wings and take off flying, free of burdens from the past.

Action: Look through your closet and pull out something that you haven’t worn for a year. Get rid of it! As your donating it to the Good Will, note to self: I am getting rid of some of my emotion baggage. Done.

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