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Color is all around us!

The key to color is all about YOU! 

Different disciplines have assigned meaning to each of the different colors in the color spectrum. You can use these assignments as a guide, but the way a color makes you feel is really what the color means.  By associating colors to our feelings, we can use them in our daily lives to lift our spirits and enhance our emotions.

Color Guide



Colors are a good way to connect to your emotions. By using color purposely, it can help soothe our frayed nerves, can contribute to our moods and elevate our life experience.

Below is a list of colors and the emotions and feelings that are associated with the colors shown. Through my years of studying under a psychic instructor and my practice, I present this as a guide. As mentioned earlier, if a certain color makes you feel differently than what is listed below, then use your feelings to guide your choices.


  • RED - Red is the color of FIRE. It burns bright and bold. Red is associated with strong emotions.

    • Love​

    • Anger

    • Passion

  • ORANGE - Orange is the color of confusion. Depending on the shade of orange (more red or more yellow) it can have a variety of meanings.

    • Confusion​

    • Indecision

    • Hesitation

    • Procrastination

  • YELLOW - Yellow represents high energy. Just like the sun it burns bright and can effect us in different ways.

    • Joy​

    • Excitement

    • Happiness        OR

    • Fear

    • Anxiety

  • GREEN - Green normally signifies growth, abundance and prosperity. It applies to economic and emotional growth as well.

    • Feeling grounded or stable​

    • Peaceful

    • Harmonious

  • BLUE - Blue represents certainty. We draw on certainty to bring balance into our lives.

    • Calm​

    • Clear

    • Quiet

    • Rest

  • PURPLE - Purple is a regal color. It represents our original essence.

    • Vitality​

    • Wisdom

    • Bravery

    • Spirituality

  • BLACK / GRAY - Black is the absence of all color. It can mean blocked emotions. Of course a lot of us dress in black, right! Let's be honest, because it makes us feel/look slimmer? So when looking at black as a color, it means hiding, shadows, unclear.

    • Depressed​

    • Feeling sick

    • A dark mood

    • Quiet

  • WHITE - White is the highest of spiritual colors. The color white connects us to our higher powers and can symbolize new beginnings

    • Clean

    • Purity

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