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Tarot is more than a deck of cards and a prediction. Tarot is a way to tap into your intuition and use your senses to appreciate and learn by the sights and sounds all around you. By using your inner voice to live your life, you have access to a whole new world. The world of possibilities. So find a comfortable place to quietly reflect on who you are and what the Magic of Tarot can do for you.


Tarot is a beautiful tool to help you use your inner voice; intuition; gut feeling (...whatever you want to call it), on a daily basis. Everything in your world reflects the choices you make and the directions you go. When I approach a Tarot reading, I think about the day of the week, colors, how I feel and then relate all of those energies into the reading.


In the study of self improvement there are so many folks telling you that in order to become healthy, focused, calmer, etc., etc. you have to listen to them because they have all the answers. I think they do have a lot of answers to be sure. But do all of those answers apply to all of us? Or, do we even understand what they are trying to tell us? I believe that the "theys" are communicating in the language that they know best, but not everyone speaks the same language. The trick is to gravitate towards the language that you can understand. Once you understand, you can apply the lessons you are learning to your life.


With that said, having a Tarot reading is a way to gain insight into ourselves through the interpretations of others. Besides the beauty of the cards and the messages that the cards convey, Tarot readings can assist one in all aspects of life. During good times and challenging times (both have a lot in common in terms of listening to what is going on within yourself) a Tarot reading may be just what you need to be pointed in the right direction.


T A R O T  M A G I C

We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.

J.K. Rowling


Meet Patrice

Hello! My name is Patrice. 


From as far back as I can remember I have been a seeker. I have been open to learning and accepting others' points of view and using their sage advice to fashion my own path. Through my studies I have worked on using my intuition to guide my choices. Intuition is like a muscle, it takes a lot of mental exercise to make it stronger. I have found that using my Tarot cards makes it easier to use my intuition because the cards are a tangible way to access knowledge. When you point your mind to your inner thoughts, amazing things happen.


I studied under a local psychic for several years. This training was invaluable to me as it helped me connect in a personal way to my clients. Each person relates in a different way to each other. This is the beauty of the Tarot cards! The cards give a foundational connection between the reader and the seeker.


I bought my first Tarot card deck years ago. The cards intended to be a gift for my daughter. She never used them, so I kept them for myself! I have been using them ever since to help me sort out blockages in my thinking. The cards help me to identify my choices.


I hope you love my site! I give you lots of ways to connect to the world using your own lives as a template. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you...





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Tarot - a pathway to understanding

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Reading Tarot


I love my Tarot deck. It is the Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot Deck by Matt Hughes. It is simple, informative and stunningly beautiful. 


I purchased my first deck years ago when my daughter was around 12 (she is 40 now!!). she never used it and actually gave it back to me. I read somewhere that if a deck is given to you it is the ONE. I used it for many years and still refer to it to this day.


My next deck was the David Bowie Starman Deck. Absolutely beautiful!! but I found them difficult to read. But I love to go back to that deck for a second opinion when I am so inclined.


During my Tarot practice, I have run across multiple decks. The artwork may be different, but the messages are somewhat close to the same. During my physic study I learned that each reader draws from their own personal knowledge and identifies with the seeker on a unique and personal basis. So that is why each reading differs.


Want to learn more? Go to TAROT for a quick peek at what I can offer you.


Let's Explore



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